Our Vision
To be a premier nation-wide MOAA organization advocating for the rights and benefits of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and the safety and health of the nation.
As an affiliate of national MOAA, we are an independent, nonprofit, and politically nonpartisan organization.
Our Mission
Stronger Together as America's Health Responders
To promote the purposes and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); to foster fraternal relations among active, retired, and former officers of the U.S. Public Health Service; protect the rights and interests of active duty, retired, and reserve component personnel of the uniformed services for members and, dependents and survivors; and to advocate for the protection, promotion, and advancement of the health and safety of the nation.
In Officio Salutis
In the Service of Health
Our Values
exemplify leadership to our nation and encourage it to honor its commitment to our officers
advocate and collaborate wisely to protect the welfare and future of our men and women in uniform
sustain and develop ideals of integrity, professionalism, and officership
develop and maintain an engaged nationwide community of support
Current Membership Statistics
as of 03 February 2023

Chapter Members

States & Territories